Bones的创作灵感来源于法庭人类学家和长篇小说家Kathy Reichs的真实生活 主人公Brennan博士是一名法庭人类学家,为杰斐逊协会工作,并以写作小说为副业,因有着特殊的才能,能根据受害者的尸骨找到常人难以发现的线索
第1集 The Titan on the tracks第1集 The Titan on the tracks一辆火车与 轿车相撞导致出轨
犯罪现场们遇到了Jeffersonian新领导 Camille(Cam) Saroyan博士 两个女人起了冲突,Booth从中调解 Brennan调查发现,轿车中的人虽然带着名表和总冠军戒指,但是一个冒牌货 难道大亨本 人主动参与了此事 Booth和Brennan返去询问私人侦探,这是因为股票丑闻曝光之后唯一一个与大亨关系亲密并有杀人嫌疑的人 但苦于没有足够证据 来逮捕 Brennan再次来到母亲坟前,外表坚强而内心脆弱一面表露无疑,而Booth还那样一如既往地支持、鼓励 第2集 The mother and child in the bay第2集 The mother and child in the bay特 拉华海湾发现了一具女性和胎儿遗骸,Booth和Brennan奉命前去调查尸体身份,被证实为一年前神秘失踪Carlie Richardson,失踪时候刚刚结婚,并怀有身孕 当时各大媒体曾争相报道这条爆炸新闻,Carlie的丈夫Kyle Richardson被认为本案首要犯罪嫌疑人,但就Booth和Brennan打算讯问时,也失踪了 Booth不得不申请搜捕令 遗骸上的线索,将侦破猜想引向了另一个方向,Jeffersonian小组以及Booth重建Carlie被谋杀时可能现场,希望借此更好地了解凶手体形和外貌特征,结果却出人意料 与此同时,Booth前女友Rachel的出现让Booth开始苦恼 Parker母亲让Parker花大把时间与自己新男友接触,培养他们之间好感,让身为父亲Booth倍感紧张 第3集 The boy in the shroud第3集 The boy in the shroud一辆垃圾车翻车现场,垃圾堆中有一具包裹袋子里装有年轻男子尸体,头骨破碎,腿骨断裂,Hodgins认为被害人在垃圾堆中至少掩埋了三个星期 Angela通过尸体面部印记,鉴定了尸体身份 Brennan和Cam因为工作方式不同经常产生矛盾,关系也变得很紧张 Cam威胁说要找人来取代Brennan,Brennan有时只能退缩求全 对于Jeffersonian精英们来说这不仅意味着损失,也意味着们必须要大小两个老板中选择支持一方第4集 The blonde in the game第4集 The blonde in the gameBooth 和Brennan挖掘出一具年轻女孩遗骸时,意识到这次他们所遇到不仅仅一起简单谋杀案,实验室里Hodgins,Zack和Cam相继证明了这一点 他 们发现凶手很可能是Howard Epps,一个关押了多年的连环杀手 Brennan审判中曾出庭作证Epps,使他最终被判处死缓 Booth提审了Epps,但一无所获 死者身上发现一条线索让他们找到了另一具尸体--年龄只比第一个受害者大一个星期,Booth和Brennan等人这才意识到,Epps正迫使他们玩一个死亡游戏 随着被发现尸体数量不断增多,与Epps有关线索也变得越来越扑朔迷离,Brennan和小组只能一点一点地拼凑事件真相,但始终无法找到Epps那个冷血 同谋,这让他们感到绝望 他们甚至发现最后一个受害者可能还活着,但命不久矣,他们必须克服恐惧心理,争分夺秒地挽救受害者生命 第5集 The truth in the lye第5集 The truth in the lyeBooth 刚刚与前女友Rebecca床上亲热,却接到了Brennan打来电话 Brennan显然对这个女人没什么好感 电话中谈起了最近一起案件,并要求 Booth到案发建筑工地上与其会面,这栋房子只建造了一部分,然后就有人发现一具尸体,表面看来这就一个因妒生恨杀人并有意骗取保险赔偿金的案子 但新 出现线索让Brennan和Booth对破案方向产生了分歧,第三嫌疑人浮出水面 Booth和Brennan的新上司,即前女友Cam,在此集末尾亲热 Emily DeschanelDr Temperance 'Bones' BrennanDavid BoreanazSpecial Agent Seeley BoothMichaela ConlinAngela MontenegroT J ThyneDr Jack Hodgins第二季(2006—2007)1 The Titan on the tracks2 The mother and child in the bay3 The boy in the shroud4 The blonde in the game5 The truth in the lye6 The girl in suite 21037 The girl wth the curl8 The woman in the sand9 Aliens in a spaceship10 The headless witch in the woods11 Judas on a pole12 The man in the cell13 The girl in the gator14 The man in the mansion15 The bodies in the book16 The boneless bride in the river17 The priest in the churchyard18 The killer in the concrete19 Spaceman in a crater20 Glowing bones in the old stone house21 Stargazer in a puddleRejoice, "Bones" fans! FOX has finally announced the long-awaited return date of its hit show So, how long will you have to wait until your favorite show about forensicanthropology returns to TV? Well, however long between whenever it is you're reading this and April 5 at 9 p m That's how long The return episode will feature Brennan and Booth bickering over the impending birth of their baby girl while simultaneously investigating the death of a person found in asewer (Ah, the dichotomy of "Bones" -- sweet and disgusting at the same time )FOX also announced the premiere of the new Gordon Ramsay reality series "Hotel Hell" on Friday, April 6 at 8 p m It's basically "Kitchen Nightmares" but with hotels "Bob's Burgers" returns for Season 2 on Sunday, March 11, "Touch" on Monday, March 19, and as we already knew, "Breaking In" Season 2 debuts in the network's new Tuesday night comedy block on March 6 "Glee" and "House" will both return to the schedule in April, with "House" running all original episodes until its series finale on May 21 Follow Zap2it on Twitter and Zap2it on Facebook for the latest news and buzz《识骨寻踪》(Bones)的粉丝们终于可以长舒一口气了 官方确认《识骨寻踪》回归,接档《追踪者》(The Finder) 由于《识骨寻踪》主演艾米丽·丹斯切尔(Emily Deschanel)休产假,该剧已停播数月,预定集数也曾因此被削减至13集,但后来又被追定到17集 根据Fox方面的原定计划,该剧本季还剩下7集播出(时间档允许) 至于第14-17集,Fox娱乐部总裁Kevin Reilly在电视评论人协会冬季媒体见面会上表示,“额外四集”要么放在《识骨寻踪》下一个播出季播出,要么在今年夏天一迷你季形式播出 集数标题首播日期1The Titan on the Tracks2006-08-302Mother and Child in the Bay2006-09-063The Boy in the Shroud2006-09-134The Blonde in the Game2006-09-205The Truth in the Lye2006-09-276The Girl in Suite 21032006-10-047The Girl with the Curl2006-11-018The Woman in the Sand2006-11-089Aliens in a Spaceship2006-11-1510The Headless Witch in the Woods2006-11-2911Judas on a Pole2006-12-1312The Man in the Cell2007-01-3113The Girl in the Gator2007-02-0714The Man in the Mansion2007-02-1415Bodies in the Book2007-03-1416The Boneless Bride in the River2007-03-2117The Priest in the Churchyard2007-03-2818The Killer in the Concrete2007-04-0419Spaceman in a Crater2007-05-0220The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House2007-05-0921Stargazer in a Puddle2007-05-16(播出信息参考资料)